Some of you have never thought about what a better life looks like! You may not be aware there is a problem or a better way. You do what you’ve been doing for years. This is my version of balance, and I hope it helps you think about yours.

Five things a good balance has for me

Balance is different for all of us. It’s your version of happiness. For me, a good business-life balance has to have these five things:

  1. Being in charge of my schedule
  2. Being able to pick up my son from school
  3. Being able to finish work when I say I will
  4. Being present at family time
  5. Not having to work weekends unless it’s on my own business

Signs you aren’t getting the balance you deserve

Do these situations come up in your day?

  • You are getting pulled away from your tasks daily
  • You have to finish your work after everyone else has finished
  • You are getting nagged by your wife for working too much
  • You feel guilty about not seeing enough of your kids

The takeaway

Your work-life balance can easily get out of whack as your business grows, your day gets busier, and the demands on your time increase. The problem is that it can be a gradual thing where you don’t really notice the increase in your business time and the decrease in your own time, so re-evaluate how your balance is now and build a vision of what you want your balance to be like.